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Exploring the Structure of the Voltage-gated Na+ Channel by an Engineered Drug Access Pathway to the Receptor Site for Local Anesthetics
Authors:Peter Lukacs  Vaibhavkumar S. Gawali  Rene Cervenka  Song Ke  Xaver Koenig  Lena Rubi  Touran Zarrabi  Karlheinz Hilber  Anna Stary-Weinzinger  Hannes Todt
Affiliation:From the Department of Neurophysiology and Neuropharmacology, Center for Physiology and Pharmacology, Medical University of Vienna, 1090 Vienna, Austria and ;§Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, University of Vienna, Althanstrasse 14, UZA 2, A-1090 Vienna, Austria
Abstract:Despite the availability of several crystal structures of bacterial voltage-gated Na+ channels, the structure of eukaryotic Na+ channels is still undefined. We used predictions from available homology models and crystal structures to modulate an external access pathway for the membrane-impermeant local anesthetic derivative QX-222 into the internal vestibule of the mammalian rNaV1.4 channel. Potassium channel-based homology models predict amino acid Ile-1575 in domain IV segment 6 to be in close proximity to Lys-1237 of the domain III pore-loop selectivity filter. The mutation K1237E has been shown previously to increase the diameter of the selectivity filter. We found that an access pathway for external QX-222 created by mutations of Ile-1575 was abolished by the additional mutation K1237E, supporting the notion of a close spatial relationship between sites 1237 and 1575. Crystal structures of bacterial voltage-gated Na+ channels predict that the side chain of rNaV1.4 Trp-1531 of the domain IV pore-loop projects into the space between domain IV segment 6 and domain III pore-loop and, therefore, should obstruct the putative external access pathway. Indeed, mutations W1531A and W1531G allowed for exceptionally rapid access of QX-222. In addition, W1531G created a second non-selective ion-conducting pore, bypassing the outer vestibule but probably merging into the internal vestibule, allowing for control by the activation gate. These data suggest a strong structural similarity between bacterial and eukaryotic voltage-gated Na+ channels.
Keywords:Anesthetic   Docking   Molecular Modeling   Molecular Pharmacology   Mutagenesis   Patch Clamp Electrophysiology   Permeability   Protein Design   Protein Structure   Sodium Channel
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