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NMR reveals a novel glutaredoxin-glutaredoxin interaction interface
Authors:Noguera Valerie  Walker Olivier  Rouhier Nicolas  Jacquot Jean-Pierre  Krimm Isabelle  Lancelin Jean-Marc
Affiliation:RMN Biomoléculaire, Université Claude Bernard, Lyon 1, CNRS UMR 5180 Sciences Analytiques, ESCPE-Lyon, 69622 Villeurbanne, France.
Abstract:Glutaredoxins (Grx) represent a large family of glutathione (GSH)-dependent oxidoreductases that catalyse the reduction of disulfides or glutathione mixed disulfide. Grx domains from pathogenic bacteria and plant Grxs have been recently reported to target specific peroxiredoxins (Prxs). The specificity that triggers the interaction between Grx and Prx is poorly understood and is only based on the structure of Haemophilus influenzae Prx-Grx hybrid (hyPrx5). We report here an NMR study of the Populus tremula Grx C4 that targets a P.tremula D-type II Prx. We show that Grx C4 specifically self-associates in a monomer-dimer equilibrium with an apparent K(d) of ca 2.6 mM. Grx C4 homodimer was docked under experimental restraints. The results reveal a novel Grx-Grx interface that is unrelated to the hyPrx5 Grx-Grx dimer interface. Chemical-shift perturbations and 15N spin-relaxation measurements show that the auto-association surface comprises both the active site and the GSH binding site. Reduced GSH is demonstrated to bind reduced Grx with a K(d) of ca 8.6 mM. The potential biological significance of the new Grx-Grx interaction interface is discussed.
Keywords:glutaredoxin   NMR   spin relaxation   auto-association   peroxiredoxin
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