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Estimation of protein digestibility—IV. Digestive proteinases from the pyloric caeca of coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) fed diets containing soybean meal
Authors:N.F. Haard   L.E. Dimes  R.E. Arndt  F.M. Dong
Affiliation:aInstitute of Marine Resources, Department of Food Science and Technology, University of California, Davis, CA 95616, U.S.A.;bSchool of Fisheries, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98105, U.S.A.
Abstract:The goal of this study was to better understand why dietary soybean products are poorly utilized by salmonids. The influence of dietary intake on coho salmon fingerling weight gain and specific properties of pyloric caeca enzymes was investigated. Fingerlings were fed diets containing heated or unheated soybean meal (SBM) or Promoveal™, as 15–25% herring meal replacer, for 8–12 weeks. Fish fed to apparent satiation with diets containing heated SBM replacer gained more weight than those fed unheated SBM at the same level. Fish increased in body weight at the same rate when fed restricted rations containing either 15% SBM replacer that was variously heated up to 20 min, 15% Promoveal™ replacer or the herring meal basal diet. After the experimental diets were fed, digestive proteinases were isolated from the pyloric caeca. Yield of pyloric caeca enzymes (PCE), recovery of trypsin in PCE, soybean trypsin inhibitor (SBTI) sensitivity of PCE trypsin, specific activity of PCE trypsin and in vitro casein digestibility by PCE were determined for each dietary group. Weight gain vs in vitro casein digestibility by PCE was linear for animals fed unheated SBM to apparent satiation (r2 = 0.71, P < 0.1) but not for animals fed either heated SBM to apparent satiation or variously heated SBM as 15% replacer at restricted levels. Trypsin from fish fed diets with heated or unheated SBM, but not Promoveal™ replacer, was less sensitive to SBTI than fish fed no SBM. For fish fed diets with variously heated SBM as 15% replacer, the SBTI activity of the SBM and SBTI inhibition of PCE trypsin were inversely related (r2 = 0.88, P < 0.05). The yield of PCE was higher for fish fed 25% of heated SBM replacer than it was for diet groups fed less SBM. The yield of PCE trypsin was higher from animals fed 25% heated SBM replacer than those fed diets with a lower percentage of heated SBM replacer. Feeding coho fingerlings rations with SBM replacer appears to promote physiological compensation of PCE. Heat stable and/or heat-activated factor(s) and SBTI appear to cause the compensation of salmon digestive proteinases from coho salmon fed diets with SBM.
Keywords:Protein digestibility   salmon feed   trypsin   trypsin inhibitor   trout   coho salmon   digestive enzymes   in vitro digestibility
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