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Evolution as resistance to entropy. I. Mechanisms of species homeostasis
Authors:Shcherbakov V P
Abstract:The idea is discussed that the common output of any evolution is creation of the entities that are increasingly resistant to further evolution. The moving force of evolution is entropy, the tendency to disorder. This general aspiration for chaos is a cause of the mortality of organisms and species, however, being prerequisite for any movement, it creates (by chance) novelties, which may occur (by chance) more resistant to further decay and thus survive. The surviving of those who survive is the most general principle of evolution discovered by Darwin for particular case of biological evolution. The second law of thermodynamics states that our Universe is perishing but its ontology is such that it creates resistance to destruction. The evolution is a history of this resistance. Not only those who die do not survive but also those who evolve. The entities that change (evolve) rapidly disappear rapidly and by this reason they are not observed among both the fossils and now-living organisms. We know only about long-living species. All the existing organisms are endowed with an ability to resist other changing. The following main achievements of the species homeostasis are discussed: high fidelity of DNA replication and effective mechanisms of DNA repair; diploidy; normalizing selection; truncated selection; heterozygote superiority; ability to change phenotype adaptively without changing genotype; parental care and the K-strategy of reproduction; behavior that provides independence of the environment. The global resistance of the living systems to entropy is provided the state that all the essential in biology is determined not by physical-chemical interactions but could semantic rules. A conception of "potential zygotic information" that determines the rules of ontogenesis is proposed. A zygote does not contain this information in explicit form. It is created de novo step by step during ontogenesis and it could not be decoded beforehand. The experimental data on the adaptive mutagenesis and the relevant hypothesis are discussed. It is concluded that the special mechanisms for speeding-up of evolution as created by evolution are impossible conceptually.
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