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O-Linked fucose in glycoproteins from Chinese hamster ovary cells
Authors:Stults, Nancy L.   Cummings, Richard D.
Affiliation:1The University of Georgia, Department of Biochemistry Athens, GA 30602
2The University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 941 Stanton L. Young Blvd, BSEB 325, Oklahoma City, OK 73190, USA
Abstract:We report our discovery that many glycoproteins synthesizedby Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells contain fucose in O-glycosidiclinkage to polypeptide. To enrich for the possible presenceof O-linked fucose, we studied the lectin-resistant mutant ofCHO cells known as Lec1. Lec1 cells lack N-acetylglucosaminyltransferaseI and are therefore unable to synthesize complex-type N-linkedoligosaccharides. Lec1 cells were metabolically radiolabelledwith [6-3H]fucose and total glycoproteins were isolated. Glycopeptideswere prepared by proteolysis and fractionated by chromatographyon a column of concanavalin A (Con A)— Sepharose. Thesets of fractionated glycopeptides were treated with mild base/borohydrideto effect the ß-elimination reaction and release potentialO-linked fucosyl residues. The ß-elimination produced[3H]fucitol quantitatively from [3H]fucose-labelled glycopeptidesnot bound by Con A-Sepharose, whereas none was generated bytreatment of glycopeptides bound by the lectin. The total [3H]fucose-labelledglycoproteins from Lec1 cells were separated by SDS—PAGEand detected by fluorography. Treatment of selected bands ofdetectable glycoproteins with mild base/borohydride quantitativelygenerated [3H]fucitol. Pretreatment of the glycoproteins withN-glycanase prior to the SDS—PAGE method of analysis causedan enrichment in the percentage of radioactivity recovered as[3H]fucitol. Trypsin treatment of [3H]fucose-labelled intactCHO cells released glycopeptides that contained O-linked fucose,indicating that it is present in surface glycoproteins. Thesefindings demonstrate that many glycoproteins from CHO cellscontain O-linked fucosyl residues and raise new questions aboutits biosynthesis and possible function. fucose glycoproteins monosaccharide O-linked
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