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Respiration and airway reflexes after transversal brain stem lesions in cats
Authors:J Jakus  Z Tomori  L Bosel'ová  B Nagyová  V Kubinec
Affiliation:Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, Comenius University, Martin.
Abstract:The effect of brain stem transection at different levels of the pons Varolii and the medulla oblongata on respiration and on cough and the aspiration and expiration reflex elicited by mechanical stimulation of the relevant parts of the respiratory tract was studied in experiments on 13 anaesthetized, unparalyzed cats. The results of 142 respiratory reflex elicitation tests showed that: 1. Compared with the control state, transection of the upper and middle part of the pons Varolii and transection at the level of the pontomedullary junction reduced the respiration rate (p less than 0.001), increased the duration of inspiration and expiration (p less than 0.001, transection 10 mm rostrally to the obex) and gave rise to apneustic breathing (8 mm), or to tonic, respiration-modulated activity of the phrenic nerve and diaphragm (6 mm). 2. Successive transection of the pons and the pontomedullary junction region led chiefly to a drop in maximum expiratory pleural pressure values (p less than 0.01-0.001) during cough and the expiration reflex and to a drop in maximum inspiratory pleural pressure values during the aspiration reflex (p less than 0.02-0.001). 3. Transection of the upper part of the medulla oblongata always led to permanent arrest of rhythmic respiration, during which cough and the expiration reflex could not be elicited while the aspiration reflex persisted (though in a weakened form). This state was followed by gasping, during which only a highly elicitable aspiration reflex persisted. 4. It can be assumed from the above findings that the central mechanisms responsible for the development of powerful expiratory efforts in cough and the expiration reflex could be localized in the pons Varolii, while those integrating the aspiration reflex are probably localized mainly in the medulla oblongata.
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