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Light Actions in the Germination of Cocklebur Seeds II. Possible Origin of the Diversity of Light Responses in Seed Germination
Authors:Esashi, Esashi   Saitoh, Hisato   Saijoh, Yukio   Ishida, Satoko   Kodama, Hiroaki
Affiliation:Department of Biological Science, Tohoku University Kawauchi, Sendai 980, Japan
Abstract:In negatively photoblastic, lower seeds of cocklebur (Xanthiumpennsylvanicum Wallr.), the respective germination-inhibitingeffects of red (R) and far-red (FR) lights were found in theproximal and near-tip zones of the axial tissues. In contrast,the germination-stimulating effect of R in positively photoblastic,upper cocklebur seeds was manifested in the near-tip zone ofthe axes, the R effect being reversed when FR was given to thezone. The R-sensitive zone in the upper seeds, however, shiftedtowards the more proximal zone as the period of pre-soakingat low temperatures increased. This shift was accompanied bythe ability to germinate in the dark in the upper seeds. In the lower seeds, R inhibited axial growth in the near-tipzone, whereas FR inhibited it in the proximal zone. In contrast,axial growth in the near-tip zone of the upper seeds was promotedby R. In both seeds, light had little effect on the growth ofthe radicle tip. Pre-soaking at low temperatures induced dark-germinationby hastening the axial growth of the upper seeds, thus allowingthe upper seed to resemble the lower one. We therefore proposea hypothesis that explains the diversification of photoresponsesin seed germination. (Received August 7, 1984; Accepted December 24, 1984)
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