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Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Calcium-Free Calmodulin in Solution
Authors:Cheng Yang  Krzysztof Kuczera
Affiliation:Department of Chemistry and Department of Molecular Biosciences , University of Kansas , 1251 Wescoe Hall Drive, 2010, Malott Hall, Lawrence , KS , 66045-7582

A 4-ns molecular dynamics simulation of calcium-free calmodulin in solution has been performed, using Ewald summation to treat electrostatic interactions. Our simulation results were mostly consistent with solution experimental studies, including NMR, fluorescence and x-ray scattering. The secondary structures within the N- and C-terminal domains were conserved in the simulation, with trajectory structures similar to the NMR-derived model structure 1CFD. However, the relative orientations of the domains, for which there are no NMR restraints, differed in details between the simulation and the 1CFD model. The most interesting information provided by the simulations is that the dynamics of calcium-free calmod- ulin in solution is dominated by slow rigid body reorientations of the domains. The interdomain distance fluctuated between 29 and 39 Å, and interdomain orientation angle, defined as the pseudo-dihedral formed by the four calcium binding sites, varied between ?2° and 108°. Similarly, the domain linker region also exhibited significant fluctuations, with its length varying in the 34–45 Å range and its bend angle in the 10–100° range. The simulations are in accord with fluorescence results suggesting that calcium-free calmodulin is more compact and more flexible than the calcium activated form. Surprisingly, quite similar solvent accessibilities of the hydrophobic patches were seen in the calcium-free trajectory described in this work and previously generated calcium-loaded calmodulin simulations. Thus, our simulations suggest a reexamination of the standard model of the structural change of calmodulin upon calcium binding, involving exposure of the hydrophobic patches to solvent.
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