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Photosystem II energy use,non-photochemical quenching and the xanthophyll cycle in Sorghumbicolor grown under drought and free-air CO2 enrichment(FACE) conditions
Authors:A. B. Cousins,N. R. Adam,G. W. Wall,B. A. Kimball,P. J. Pinter Jr,,M. J. Ottman,S. W. Leavitt,&   A. N. Webber
Affiliation:Departmentof Plant Biology and Center for the Study of Early Events in Photosynthesis,Arizona Sate University, PO Box 871601, Tempe, AZ, 85287-1601, USA,;USDA, Agricultural ResearchService, US Water Conservation Laboratory, Phoenix, AZ, 85040, USA,;Department of Plant Science,University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721, USA and;Laboratoryof Tree Ring Research, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721,USA
Abstract:The present study was carried out to test the hypothesis thatelevated atmospheric CO2 (Ca) will alleviate over‐excitationof the C4 photosynthetic apparatus and decrease non‐photochemicalquenching (NPQ) during periods of limited water availability. Chlorophyll a fluorescencewas monitored in Sorghum bicolor plants grown under a free‐aircarbon‐dioxide enrichment (FACE) by water‐stress (Dry) experiment.Under Dry conditions elevated Ca increased the quantum yield ofphotosystem II (φPSII) throughout the day throughincreases in both photochemical quenching coefficient (qp)and the efficiency with which absorbed quanta are transferred toopen PSII reaction centres (Fv′/Fm′).However, in the well‐watered plants (Wets) FACE enhanced φPSIIonly at midday and was entirely attributed to changes in Fv′/Fm. Underfield conditions, decreases in φPSII under Dry treatmentsand ambient Ca corresponded to increases in NPQ but the de‐epoxidation stateof the xanthophyll pool (DPS) showed no effects. Water‐stress didnot lead to long‐term damage to the photosynthetic apparatus asindicated by φPSII and carbon assimilation measuredafter removal of stress conditions. We conclude that elevated Caenhances photochemical light energy usage in C4 photosynthesisduring drought and/or midday conditions. Additionally,NPQ protects against photo‐inhibition and photodamage. However,NPQ and the xanthophyll cycle were affected differently by elevatedCa and water‐stress.
Keywords:C4 photosynthesis    chlorophyll fluorescence    CO2 enrichment    water-stress    xanthophyllcycle
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