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Structural analysis of winter phytoplankton in the Gulf of Naples
Authors:Carrada, Gian Carlo   Fresi, Eugenio   Marino, Donato   Modigh, Monica   D'Alcala, Maurizio Ribera
Affiliation:Stazione Zoologica di Napoli Villa Comunale, 80121 Napoli, Italy
Abstract:Quantitative and qualitative distribution of surface phytoplankton,as related to hydrographic conditions, was studied in the Gulfof Naples in February 1979. Previous work has shown that the Gulf of Naples is a diversifiedecosystem, due to geographic and hydrographic features as wellas man made eutrophication, that can be subdivided into twomajor parts: a coastal subsystem and an open water one. Hydrographic analysis of the winter situation at the surfacefully confirms this picture, as it identifies two distinct watermasses corresponding respectively to surfaced Tyrrhenian IntermediateWater and to Coastal Surface Water. The structural analysisof phytoplankton reveals three assemblages of species characterizingdifferent water types: 1 - the Ischia and Procida channels affectedby the advection of Volturno river and Cuma outfall plumes;2 - the coastal area of the Gulf proper, namely the bays ofPozzuoli, Naples and Castellammare; 3 - the open waterhemislocated beyond the 100 m isobath. The channel area assemblage is dominated by diatoms, particularlyby fast growing species, such as Asterionella japonica, severalspecies of Chaetoceros and Rhizosolenia hebetata f. semispina.The coastal assemblage is identified, among others, by the diatomsCerataulina bergonii, Hemiaulus sinensis; the dinoflagellatesGlenodinium lenticula, Exuviaella compressa and Porella perforata.The open water assemblage is characterized by the diatoms Coscinodiscuscurvatulus and Hemidiscus cuneiformis, the dinoflagellate Amphidiniumacutissimum and the coccolithophore Coccolithus haeckelii.
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