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Unique advantages of using low temperature scanning electron microscopy to observe bacteria
Authors:Stéphane Roy  Isabelle Babic  Alley E. Watada  William P. Wergin
Affiliation:(1) U.S. Department of Agriculture, BARC-East, Electron Microscopy Laboratory, ARS, Bldg. 177B, 20705 Beltsville, MD, USA;(2) U.S. Department of Agriculture, Horticultural Crops Quality Laboratory, Agricultural Research Service, Beltsville, Maryland
Abstract:Summary Electron microscopy (EM) has greatly helped to elucidate our understanding of bacterial structure and function. However, several recent studies have cautioned investigators about artifacts that result from the use of conventional EM preparation procedures. To avoid these problems, the use of low temperature scanning electron microscopy (LTSEM) was evaluated for examining frozen, fully hydrated specimens. Spinach leaves (Spinacia oleracea L. cv. New Jersey), which were naturally infected or inoculated with bacteria, were used as the experimental material. 1 cm segments of the infected leaves were plunge frozen in liquid nitrogen, transferred to a cryochamber for sputter coating and then moved onto a cryostage in an SEM. After observation, some of the frozen, hydrated leaf segments were transferred onto agar medium to determine whether preparation for LTSEM was nondestructive to the bacteria. The other tissue segments were chemically fixed by freeze-substitution. The results indicated that after cryopreparation and observation in the LTSEM: (i) viable bacteria, which were recovered from the leaf sample, could be cultured on agar medium for subsequent study, and (ii) the frozen samples could be freeze substituted and embedded so that transmission electron microscopic (TEM) observations could be carried out on the same specimen. In conclusion, frozen, hydrated leaf tissue infected with bacteria can be observed using LTSEM and then can be either processed for TEM observation to obtain further structural details or recovered to culture the pathogenic bacteria for supplementary studies.Abbreviations EPS extracellular polysaccharide - EM electron microscopy - LTSEM low temperature scanning electron microscopy - SEM scanning electron microscopy - TEM transmission electron microscopy - TSA tryptic soy agar - TSB tryptic soy brothDedicated to Professor Eldon H. Newcomb in recognition of his contributions to cell biology
Keywords:Low temperature scanning electron microscopy  Freezesubstitution  Cell wall  Plant pathology
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