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Respiration and germination rates of tomato seeds at suboptimal temperatures and reduced water potentials
Authors:Dahal, Peetambar   Kim, Nahm-Su   Bradford, Kent J.
Abstract:Suboptimal temperature (T) affects germination rates (reciprocalof time to radicle emergence) on a thermal time basis; thatis, the T in excess of a base or minimum temperature multipliedby the time to a given per cent germination [tg) is a constant.Respiration rates are also sensitive to T, and proportionalrelationships are often found between respiration rates andgermination rates. Reduced water potential ({psi}) delays seed germinationon a hydrotime basis (i.e. the {psi} in excess of a base water potentialmultiplied by tg is a constant). It was tested whether respirationrates prior to radicle emergence vary in proportion to T and{psi} as expected from the thermal and hydrotime models. Respirationrates (C02 evolution) of cold-tolerant, rapidly germinating(PI 341988) and cold-sensitive, more slowly germinating (T5)tomato [Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) seeds were evaluatedover a range of T and {psi} conditions. For both genotypes, respirationrates until the beginning of radicle emergence were relatedto T on a thermal time basis and increased approximately linearlywith {psi} above -2.0 MPa, consistent with the hydrotime model. Respirationrates were uniquely related to germination rates, regardlessof whether germination timing was affected by T, {psi}, or genotype.However, germination timing was unaffected when respirationrates were manipulated by varying 02 partial pressure. Thus,while both germination and respiration rates vary with T and{psi} consistent with thermal and hydrotime models of biologicaltime, respiration rates per se were not the limiting factorin germination timing of tomato seeds. Key words: Lycopersicon esculentum Mill., tomato, germination, respiration, temperature, water potential
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