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Responses of Epilithic Diatom Communities to Environmental Gradients in Some Finnish Rivers
Authors:Janne Soininen
Abstract:Responses of the epilithic diatom communities to environmental gradients were analysed at 135 river stations in Finland. In addition, the biological quality of the water was evaluated using diatoms in five rivers having different types of human pressures. According to CCA, conductivity, total P, pH and humus content had the most significant effect on the diatom community structure. The ratio of the constrained axis (λ1) and first unconstrained axis (λ2) was highest for conductivity (1.21), total P (0.83) and pH (0.67). Physical factors had somewhat weaker effects. Five different diatom community types were separated in chemically different rivers using ordination. The effects of purified sewage on diatom‐inferred water quality estimates were strongest in late summer. The effects of cattle‐farming and cultivation were difficult to separate.
Keywords:diatoms  rivers  environmental gradients  eutrophication  pollution
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