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Studies on the ectocommensal ciliate,Trachelostyla tani nov. spec. (Protozoa: Ciliophora: Hypotrichida) from the mantle cavity of the scallop Chlamys farrei
Authors:Hu  Xiaozhong  Song  Weibo
Affiliation:(1) Laboratoire de Recherche des Zones Humides, University of Annaba, 4 rue Hassi-Beida, Annaba, Algeria
Abstract:A total of 33 sites (27 temporary pools, five dune slacks and one shallow lake) were sampled during January 1998. Forty two taxa (one ctenopoda, 19 anomopoda and 22 copepoda) are recorded. Data from the varied habitats types (temporary pools, dunary ponds, shallow lakes) are compared and biotic and abiotic factors influencing the spatial and temporal distribution of local zooplankton are discussed. The paper concludes with comments why local conservation efforts need to be directed towards temporary pools and dune slacks, two much-neglected habitats.
Keywords:Rotifera  Cladocera  Copepoda  Ostracoda  wetlands  temporary pools  Biogeography  Algeria
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