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Comparison of Crystal Field Dependent and Independent Methods to Analyse Lanthanide Induced NMR Shifts in Axially Symmetric Complexes. Part II: Systems with a C4 Symmetry Axis
Authors:Carlos F. G. C. Geraldes  Shanrong Zhang  A. Dean Sherry
Affiliation:1. Department of Biochemistry and Center of Neurosciences, University of Coimbra, P.O. Box 3126, Coimbra, 3001-401, Portugal.;2. Department of Chemistry, The University of Texas at Dallas, P. O. BOX 830688, Richardson, TX, 75083-0688, USA.;3. The Mary Nell and Ralph B. Rogers Magnetic Resonance Center, Department of Radiology, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, 5801 Forest Park Rd., Dallas, TX, 75235-9085, USA,
Abstract:Analysis of the LIS data for several series of Ln3+ complexes of C4 symmetry in terms of structuralchanges, crystal-field effects and/or variation of hyperfine constants along the lanthanide series wasundertaken using a combination of the two-nuclei and three-nuclei techniques together with the classical onenucleustechnique. Isostructurality of whole series of complexes, with changes of the Fi, and B02 parameters,was clearly defined for the complexes of L by the combination of the two first methods. Small changes,involving the three Fi, Gi and B02 parameters, are observed for the series of complexes of L-L4, using thethree data plotting methods. Some of the plots according to the two- and three-nuclei methods areaccidentally linear, without necessarily implying isostructurality of the complexes, as they involveparameters, which may be insensitive to any small structural changes occurring in these systems. Theseparameter variations could result from a magnification, by the present graphical analysis, of the breaksexpected from the gradual structural changes along the series due to the lanthanide contraction. The α and βparameters of the three-nuclei method are not diagnostic of the type of structures the complexes have insolution, due to their very indirect dependence on the geometric factors.
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