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Response of predatory zooplankton populations to the experimental acidification of Little Rock Lake, Wisconsin
Authors:Sierszen, Michael E.   Frost, Thomas M.
Affiliation:Center for Limnology, University of Wisconsin Madison, WI 53706, USA 1Present address: U.S. EPA, Environmental Research Laboratory-Duluth 6201 Congdon Blvd, Duluth, MN 55804, USA
Abstract:To assess the effects of lake acidification on large predatoryzooplankton, we monitored population levels of four limnetictaxa for 6 years in a lake with two basins, one of which wasexperimentally acidified (2 years at each of three levels: pH5.6, 5.2 and 4.7). Concentrations of phantom midge (Chaoborusspp.), the most abundant large predator, remained similar inthe treatment and reference basins until the fourth year (pH5.2) when they increased in the treatment basin. In contrast,Epischuru lacustris and Leptodora kindtii disappeared from limneticsamples, and water mites declined to near zero upon acidification.Treatment basin populations of E.Iacustris declined sharplyduring the second year of acidification. The nature of the declinesuggested sensitivity of an early life stage during the firstyear at pH 5.6. Leptodora kindtii showed no population responseat pH 5.6, but declined to essentially zero at pH 5.2. Treatmentbasin populations of water mites fluctuated until decliningin the fifth and sixth years (pH 4.7). These changes indicatea variety of direct and indirect responses to lake acidification.
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