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Two new X-autosome Robertsonian translocations in the mouse
Authors:Charles Tease  Graham Fisher
Affiliation:(1) MRC Radiobiology Unit, Chilton, OX11 0RD Didcot, Oxon., UK
Abstract:The influence of X-autosome Robertsonian (Rb) translocation hemizygosity on meiotic chromosome behaviour was investigated in male mice. Two male fertile translocations [Rb(X.2)2Ad and Rb(X.9)6H] and a male sterile translocation [Rb(X.12)7H] were used. In males of all three Rb translocation types, the acrocentric homologue of the autosome involved in the rearrangement regularly failed at pachytene to pair completely with its partner in the Rb metacentric. The centric end of the acrocentric autosome was found regularly to associate either with the proximal end of the Y chromosome or with the ends of nonhomologous autosomal bivalents; the proportions of cells with such configurations varied between pachytene substages and genotypes. Various other categories of synaptic anomaly, such as nonhomologous synapsis, foldback pairing and interlocks, affected the sex chromosome multivalent in a substantial proportion of cells. In one of the Rb(X.12)7H males screened, an unusual, highly aneuploid spermatocyte that contained trivalent and bivalent configurations was found. Rb translocation hemizygosity did not appear to increase to a significant extent the incidence of X-Y pairing failure at pachytene, although the incidence was elevated at metaphase I in Rb(X.12)7H animals. Overall, a comparison of the frequencies and types of chromosome pairing anomalies did not suggest that these were important factors in the aetiology of infertility in males carrying the Rb(X.12)7H translocation.
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