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Monitoring Primary Response to Chilling Stress in Etiolated Vigna radiata and V. mungo Seedlings Using Thermal Hysteresis of Water Proton NMR Relaxation Times
Authors:Kaku, Shosuke   Iwaya-Inoue, Mari
Affiliation:Biological Laboratory, College of General Education, Kyushu University Ropponmatsu, Fukuoka 810, Japan
Abstract:Thermal hysteresis of longitudinal relaxation times (T1) ofwater protons in hypocotyls of etiolated Vigna radiata and V.mungo seedlings was investigated by pulse nuclear magnetic resonance(NMR) spectroscopy. Various lengths of chilling exposures duringa cool-warm cycle between 20 and 0?C (below 10?C, about 4 h)for the T1 hysteresis measurement did not cause any visibleinjury symptoms in hypocotyls. However, the profiles of T1 hysteresisvaried as a result of different chilling exposures. The sumsof the T1 ratio (for detail see Introduction) reflecting T1prolongation or shortening upon the warming process were a goodquantitative index for the extent of T1 hysteresis, and thewide dispersion of this value ranging on the "minus" side (T1prolongation upon warming) suggested the occurrence of a primaryresponse of cells to chilling stress before obvious visiblesymptoms occur while the T1 ratio sums on the "plus" side (T1shortening upon warming) corresponded to a response of seriousvisible injury. Therefore, the sums of the T1 ratio can be usedas a non-destructive diagnostic tool for monitoring the primaryevent of chilling injury when lacking any visible injury symptoms.The data indicate that the critical temperature for the occurrenceof primary response for chilling stress was around 7.5?C forV. radiata and 12.5?C for V. mungo. (Received February 1, 1988; Accepted June 1, 1988)
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