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引用本文:陈瑜,倪健. 利用孢粉记录定量重建大尺度古植被格局[J]. 植物生态学报, 2008, 32(5): 1201-1212. DOI: 10.3773/j.issn.1005-264x.2008.05.025
作者姓名:陈瑜  倪健
作者单位:1 中国科学院植物研究所植被与环境变化国家重点实验室,北京 100093
2 中国科学院研究生院,北京 100049
摘    要: 古植被定量重建是过去全球变化研究的重点之一, 生物群区化(Biomisation)方法以特征植物功能型来定义生物群区, 通过一种标准化数量方法计算孢粉谱的相似得分, 以此把孢粉谱转变为生物群区类型, 是进行古植被定量重建的一种有效方法。该文在前人综述文章的基础上, 简述了生物群区化方法定量重建古植被格局的发展历史、具体步骤及存在问题, 重点描述了以此方法为基础重建的全新世中期(MH)和末次盛冰期(LGM)的全球古植被分布格局, 以及中国的古植被定量重建工作和古植被格局变化。目前的研究表明, 全新世中期北极森林界线在某些地区有轻微的北移迹象, 北部的温带森林带通常向北远距离迁移, 欧洲的温带落叶林也大范围向地中海地区(向南)和向北扩展, 在北美内陆, 草原侵入到森林生物群区, 但中亚地区却没有此现象, 中国大陆的森林生物群区扩张, 典型撒哈尔植被(如干草原、干旱疏林灌丛和热带干旱森林)进入撒哈拉地区, 而非洲热带雨林却呈减少趋势; 末次盛冰期苔原和草原扩张, 在欧亚大陆北部逐渐混合, 北半球的森林生物群区向南迁移, 北方常绿森林(泰加林)和温带落叶林呈碎片状, 而欧洲和东亚的草原却大范围扩张, 非洲的热带湿润森林(比如热带雨林和热带季雨林)有所减少, 在北美洲的西南地区, 荒漠和草原被开阔针叶疏林所取代。

关 键 词:生物群区化,  植物功能型,  孢粉,  古植被定量重建,  古植被与古气候模拟

CHEN Yu,NI Jian. QUANTITATIVE PALAEOVEGETATION RECONSTRUCTION AT LARGE SCALE BASED ON POLLEN RECORDS[J]. Acta Phytoecologica Sinica, 2008, 32(5): 1201-1212. DOI: 10.3773/j.issn.1005-264x.2008.05.025
Authors:CHEN Yu  NI Jian
Affiliation:State Key Laboratory of Vegetation and Environmental Change, Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100093, China
Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
Abstract:Quantitative palaeovegetation reconstruction is an important topic in studies of past global changes. Biomisation, an effective method of quantitatively reconstructing palaeovegetation, can translate pollen records into biome assignments based on defining biome types in terms of characteristic plant functional types and using a standard numerical method to calculate the affinity scores of pollen spectra. This review briefly introduces the history of Biomisation, its working processes and current problems. The world’s palaeovegetation patterns in the Mid-Holocene (MH) and at the last glacial maximum (LGM) including China have successfully been reconstructed using this technique. Results showed that the Arctic forest limit was shifted slightly north during the MH in some sectors, but not in all. Northern temperate forest zones were generally shifted greater distances north. Temperate deciduous forests in Europe were greatly extended into the Mediterranean region as well as to the north. Steppe encroached on forest biomes in interior North America, but not in central Asia. Enhanced monsoons extended forest biomes in China inland and Sahelian vegetation (e.g., steppe, xerophytic woods/scrubs and tropical dry forest ) into the Sahara, while the African tropical rain forest was also reduced. Cold and dry conditions at LGM, however, favored extensive tundra and steppe. These biomes intergraded in northern Eurasia. Northern hemisphere forest biomes were displaced southward. Boreal evergreen forests (taiga) and temperate deciduous forests were fragmented, while European and East Asian steppes were greatly expanded. Tropical moist forests (i.e., tropical rain forest and tropical seasonal forest) in Africa were reduced. In south-western North America, desert and steppe were replaced by open confiner woodland.
Keywords:biomisation  plant functional types  pollen  palaeovegetation reconstruction  palaeovegetation and palaeoclimate modeling
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