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Dispersal,niche, and isolation processes jointly explain species turnover patterns of nonvolant small mammals in a large mountainous region of China
Authors:Zhixin Wen  Qing Quan  Yuanbao Du  Lin Xia  Deyan Ge  Qisen Yang
Affiliation:1.Key Laboratory of Zoological Systematics and Evolution, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 1 Beichen West Road, Beijing, 100101, China;2.University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Yuquan Road, Beijing, 100049, China
Abstract:Understanding the mechanisms that govern the spatial patterns of species turnover (beta diversity) has been one of the fundamental issues in biogeography. Species turnover is generally recognized as strong in mountainous regions, but the way in which different processes (dispersal, niche, and isolation) have shaped the spatial turnover patterns in mountainous regions remains largely unexplored. Here, we explore the directional and elevational patterns of species turnover for nonvolant small mammals in the Hengduan Mountains of southwest China and distinguish the relative roles of geographic distance, environmental distance, and geographic isolation on the patterns. The spatial turnover was assessed using the halving distance (km), which was the geographic distance that halved the similarity (Jaccard similarity) from its initial value. The halving distance was calculated for the linear, logarithmic, and exponential regression models between Jaccard similarity and geographic distance. We found that the east–west turnover is generally faster than the south–north turnover for high‐latitudinal regions in the Hengduan Mountains and that this pattern corresponds to the geographic structure of the major mountain ranges and rivers that mainly extend in a south–north direction. There is an increasing trend of turnover toward the higher‐elevation zones. Most of the variation in the Jaccard similarity could be explained by the pure effect of geographic distance and the joint effects of geographic distance, environmental distance, and average elevation difference. Our study indicates that dispersal, niche, and isolation processes are all important determinants of the spatial turnover patterns of nonvolant small mammals in the Hengduan Mountains. The spatial configuration of the landscape and geographic isolation can strongly influence the rate of species turnover in mountainous regions at multiple spatial scales.
Keywords:Dispersal processes   distance decay   geographic isolation   halving distance   species turnover   the Hengduan Mountains
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