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Topophysis affects the Potential of Axillary Bud Growth, Fresh Biomass Accumulation and Specific Fresh Weight in Single-stem Roses (Rosa hybrida L.)
Affiliation:Research group for Floriculture, Danish Institute of Plant and Soil Science, Department of Ornamentals Research group for Plant Breeding and Propagation, Kirstinebjergvej 10,, DK-5792, Aarslev, Denmark
Abstract:Topophysis, the effect on growth and differentiation of positionof axillary buds along the shoot, was studied by propagatingfive-leaflet-leaf single-node cuttings which were excised fromseven stem positions and grown as single stemmed plants. InRosahybrida ‘Korokis’ Kiss®, ‘Tanettahn’Manhattan Blue®, and ‘Sweet Promise’ Sonia®,following release of the buds from apical dominance by excision,morphogenetic development was studied until anthesis. The timefrom excision/planting until onset of bud growth, visible flowerbud appearance, and anthesis was generally shorter in plantsoriginating from apical bud positions than from basipetal positions.Topophysis mainly affected the onset of axillary bud growth;the earliest growth and development was found in cuttings fromthe second uppermost node position. This node tended to havethe lowest plastochron value, which indicated the existenceof a transition between sylleptic and proleptic buds. Stem lengthat visible flower bud and at anthesis generally increased asthe cutting position changed basipetally until the second lowestposition, and the number of five-leaflet-leaves at anthesisand the total number of nodes generally increased basipetally.For internode length, growth rate, and fresh biomass efficiencythe cuttings taken from the uppermost and lowermost positionsgenerally had significantly lower values than cuttings fromall medial positions. At anthesis, plants originating from cuttingsexcised from lower medial positions generally had a higher freshweight, greater flower stem diameter, and a significantly higherspecific fresh weight than those plants originating from apicalor basal positions. Among the cultivars, Sonia was the mostefficient in increasing fresh biomass and had the highest growthrate, whereas Manhattan Blue possessed the highest specificfresh weight, indicating a higher plant quality. It is suggestedthat topophysis inRosa is an independent phenomenon intrinsicto the axillary bud. apical dominance; axillary bud growth; fresh biomass accumulation; cut rose; flowering; Rosaceae; Rosa hybrida L.; rose; shoot growth; single-stem roses; specific fresh weight; topophysis; quality
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