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Ammonia emission from young barley plants: influence of N source, light/dark cycles and inhibition of glutamine synthetase
Authors:Mattsson, Marie   Schjoerring, Jan K.
Abstract:Barley (Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Golf) plants were grown at twodifferent relative addition rates; 0.1 and 0.2 d–1 ofnitrate. Three to five days before measurements started theplants were transferred to a nutrient solution with 2 mM nitrateor ammonium. The ammonium-grown plants showed increased ammoniumlevels in both shoots and roots and also increased ammoniumconcentrations in xylem sap. Ammonia emission measured in cuvettes connected to an automaticNH3 monitor was close to zero for nitrate-grown plants but increasedto 0.59 and 0.88 nmol NH3 m–2 S–1 for plants transferredto ammonium after growing at RA=0.2 and 0.1 d–1, respectively.In darkness, NH3 emission decreased together with photosynthesisand transpiration, but increased rapidly when the light wasturned on again. Addition of 0.5 mM methionine sulphoximine (MSO) to the plantscaused an almost complete inhibition of both root and shootglutamine synthetase (GS) activity after 24 h. Ammonia emissionincreased dramatically and photosynthesis and transpirationdecreased in both nitrate- and ammonium-grown plants as a resultof the GS inhibition. At the same time plant tissue and xylemsap ammonium concentrations increased, indicating the importanceof GS in controlling plant ammonium levels and thereby NH3 emissionfrom the leaves. Key words: Hordeum vulgare, ammonia emission, ammonium, glutamine synthetase, nitrogen nutrition, photosynthesis, transpiration
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