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Two single nucleotide polymorphisms in the human nescient helix-loop-helix 2 (NHLH2) gene reduce mRNA stability and DNA binding
Authors:Numan AL_Rayyan  Umesh D WankhadeKorie Bush  Deborah J Good
Institution:Department of Human Nutrition, Foods and Exercise, Virginia Tech University, Blacksburg, VA 24061, USA
Keywords:A  adenosine  ARE  AU-rich element  βgal  beta galactosidase  bHLH  basic helix-loop-helix  bp  base pair  C  cytosine  dATP  deoxy adenosine tri-phosphate  DNA  deoxyribonucleic acid  G  guanosine  kb  kilobase  KO  knockout  MC4R  melanocortin 4 receptor  μg  microgram  μl  microliter  mRNA  messenger ribonucleic acid  miRNA  micro ribonucleic acid  NCBI  National Center for Biotechnology Information  ng  nanogram  NHLH2  nescient helix-loop-helix 2 (human)  Nhlh2  nescient helix-loop-helix 2 (mouse)  nt  nucleotide  oligo  oligonucleotide  PC1/3  prohormone convertase 1/3  QPCR  quantitative polymerase chain reaction  rRNA  ribosomal ribonucleic acid  SDS  sodium dodecyl sulfate  SNP  single nucleotide polymorphism  SV-40  simian virus 40  T  thymidine  U  uridine  UTR  untranslated region  V  volts  WT  wild type
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