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Measures of food quality as demographic predictors in freshwater copepods
Authors:Celia, Y.Chen   Folt, Carol L.
Affiliation:Department of Biological Sciences, Dartmouth College Hanover, NH 03755, USA
Abstract:This study examines the ability of a number of short-term measuresof algal food quality to predict longer term demographic parametersfor two species of freshwater calanoid copepods, Diaptomus minuiusand Epischura lacustris. Food quality of two species of algaethat are usually considered highly edible (Cryptomonas erosavar. reflexa and Chlamydomonas reinhardtii) are compared withrespect to: (i) the biochemical constituents of the algae (totalN, total C and protein); (ii) short-term foraging responsesby D.minutus to either algal species (e.g. clearance, ingestionand assimilation rates); (iii) longer term demographic responses(e.g. survivorship and reproduction) by both D.minutus and E.lacustrisfed a diet of either algal species. Demographic responses ofthe two copepod species indicate that C.erosa is a higher qualityfood. In fact, survival and reproduction of both copepod speciesfed C.reinhardtii were not different from starved treatments.Cryptomonas erosa treatments also had greater C, N and protein.However, D.minutus ingested five times more C.reinhardtii thanC.erosa, indicative of ‘compensatory feeding’ inthe presence of poor-quality food. Based upon these higher ingestionrates, individuals fed C.reinhardai actually ingested greateramounts of C, N and protein. Hence, ingestion rates taken aloneor coupled with biochemical parameters are not reliable predictorsof consumer demographic response. Assimilation rate, which waspositive for C.erosa and zero for C.reinhardtii, was the singlebest short-term predictor of food quality.
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