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Hyperhydricity in pepper plants regenerated in vitro: involvement of BiP (Binding Protein) and ultrastructural aspects
Authors:M. A. Fontes  W. C. Otoni  S. M. B. Carolino  S. H. Brommonschenkel  E. P. B. Fontes  M. Fári  R. P. Louro
Affiliation:Departamento de Biologia Vegetal, Av. P.H. Rolphs, s/n, 36571–000, Vi?osa, MG, Brazil (9)), and Núcleo de Biotecnologia Aplicada à Agropecuária (BIOAGRO), Universidade Federal de Vi?osa, Vi?osa, MG, Brazil e-mail: wotoni@mail.ufv.br, BR
Departamento de Biologia Vegetal, Av. P.H. Rolphs, s/n 36571–000, Vi?osa, MG, Brazil, BR
Agricultural Biotechnology Center (ABC), G?d?llo, Szent-Gyorgyi A. u. 4, H-2100 Hungary/Embrapa Semi-árido (CPATSA), Br 428, km 152, Zona Rural, Petrolina – PE, HU
Laboratório de Ultraestrutura Vegetal, Departamento de Botanica, IB/CCS, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, 21941–590, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, BR
Abstract: Hyperhydricity in regenerated pepper plants was monitored by the induction of the ER-luminal resident protein, as observed by immunoblotting. Immunoblotting of total protein using an anti-soybean BiP serum indicated that the induction and accumulation of an 80-kDa protein was related to BiP (Binding protein), a 78-kDa ER-resident molecular chaperone. The anti-BiP serum cross-reacted with an 80-kDa protein which was significantly induced by hyperhydricity. Based on similar molecular weight and immunological reactivity we concluded that the 80-kDa protein induced in hyperhydric plants is a BiP homologue. The ultrastructural organisation of leaves in non-hyperhydric and hyperhydric pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) plants was investigated with the aim of identifying the subcellular changes associated with this phenomenon. In non-hyperhydric leaves the chloroplasts of the palisade cells had normally developed thylakoids and grana and a low accumulation or absence of starch grains and plastoglobules. In the hyperhydric plants, however, the chloroplasts exhibited thylakoid disorganisation, low grana number, an accumulation of large starch grains and a low accumulation or absence of plastoglobules. Although the structure of mitochondria and peroxisomes did not change in hyperhydric plants, the number of peroxisomes did increase. Received: 23 July 1998 / Revision received: 26 February 1999 / Accepted: 17 March 1999
Keywords:  Capsicum annuum L.  Hyperhydricity  Ultrastucture  Proteins
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