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Quantitative aspects of harbour seal (Phoca vitulina) play
Authors:D. Renouf   J. W. Lawson
Affiliation:Department of Psychology and Marine Sciences Research Laboratory, St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada A1B 3X9
Abstract:The play behaviour of harbour seals was analysed on videotape, which allowed the determination of rates of play per age class relative to the population of seals of the same age, and sex of the player in 190 episodes. The majority of the results of our earlier study were confirmed in that adult play was unusually common, and most play was solitary rather than social. However, the reason for the apparent predominance of juvenile play in our 1986 study was most likely because of a large number of juvenile seals present in the herd at that time. Similarly, mothers, pups and weaners proved to play at high rates when population size was taken into account. Adults' playing increased during the weaning/mating period, whereas juveniles and subadults played progressively less over time. Mothers and pups played more near weaning, after which time the youngsters played at a steady high rate, though never socially. Adult social play was only evident during the mating period. The play of males and females differed qualitatively and quantitatively.
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