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Temperature affects male and female potential reproductive rates differently in the sex-role reversed pipefish, Syngnathus typhle
Authors:Ahnesjo   Ingrid
Affiliation:Department of Zoology, Uppsala University Villavagen 9, S-752 36 Uppsala, Sweden
Abstract:The differences in potential reproductive rate between the sexescan be used to predict the operational sex ratio and the patternsand intensity of mating competition and hence sexual selectionin a population. This article describes how one environmentalcomponent, temperature, affects potential reproductive ratesof the two sexes in the paternally brooding, sex-role reversedpipefish (Syngnathus typhle). Males brooded embryos much longer(on average 58 days) in cold water (about 10°C) than inwarmer water (35 days at about 15°C). As a consequence,the potential reproductive rate (number of eggs brooded perday) of males was significantly higher in warm water. In females,however, potential reproductive rate, i.e., number of eggs producedper day given an unlimited access to mates, was not significantlydifferent between temperatures. In both sexes, potential reproductiverate was positively related to body size. At both temperatures,females had the potential to reproduce faster than males. Asa result, the operational sex ratio will become female biasedand sex-roles reversed, as is the case in this species. Sincetemperature differently influenced the potential reproductiverates of males and females, with the sexual difference largerat lower temperatures, more intense female-female competitionis predicted at low temperatures.
Keywords:mating competition, operational sex ratio, paternal care, pipefish, potential reproductive rate, sex-role reversal, Syngnathus typhle, temperature. [Behav Ecol 6: 229–  233 (1995)].
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