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Trypanosoma rangeli sialidase: cloning, expression and similarity to T.cruzi trans-sialidase
Authors:Buschiazzo, Alejandro   Campetella, Oscar   Frasch, Alberto C. C.
Affiliation:Instituto de Investigaciones Biotecnológicas, Universidad Nacional de General San Martín San Martín 1650, Argentina and Instituto de Investigaciones Bioqufmicas "Fundación Campomar," Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires Buenos Aires 1405, Argentina
Abstract:Sialidases are hydrolytic enzymes present from virus to highereukaryotes, catalyzing the removal of sialic acid from glycoconjugates.Some protozoa Trypanosomatidae secrete high levels of sialidaseinto the medium. We have now purified the secreted sialidasefrom Trypanosoma rangeli Its N-terminal sequence reveals 100%identity with the corresponding region of the trans-sialidasefrom T.cruzi Trans-sialidase, although homologous to viral andbacterial sialidases, displays a novel sialyltransferase activityand is involved in host cell invasion. Several homologous trans-sialidase-likegenes were cloned from genomic DNA of T.rangeli, and groupedin three subfamilies. Active siali-dase-encoding genes werefound in one of them. The re-combinant sialidase shows similarproperties to those of the native enzyme, including undetectabletrans-sialidase activity. Nevertheless, it has an overall identityof 68.9% with the catalytic domain of T.cruzi trans-sialidase,increasing to 86.7% admitting conservative substitutions. Onlythree other eukaryotic sialidases have been previously cloned,none of them showing significant homology to trans-sialidase.The isolation of a highly similar sialidase is relevant to furtheridentify the molecular determinants allowing trans-sialidaseactivity. As a first approach, chimeric constructs between sialidaseand trans-sialidase were generated, one of them rendering asialidase with three times lower Km than the natural enzyme. eukaryotic sialidase gene family glycosidase parasite sialic acid
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