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Hydration properties of adenosine phosphate series as studied by microwave dielectric spectroscopy
Authors:Mogami George  Wazawa Tetsuichi  Morimoto Nobuyuki  Kodama Takao  Suzuki Makoto
  • a Laboratory of Biomaterials Physical Chemistry, Department of Materials Processing, Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University, CREST/JST, 6-6-02 Aoba, Aramaki-aza, Aoba-Ku, Sendai, Miyagi 980-8579, Japan
  • b Immunology Frontier Research Center, Osaka University, 3-1 Yamada-Oka, Suita, Osaka 565-0871, Japan
  • Abstract:Hydration properties of adenine nucleotides and orthophosphate (Pi) in aqueous solutions adjusted to pH = 8 with NaOH were studied by high-resolution microwave dielectric relaxation (DR) spectroscopy at 20 °C. The dielectric spectra were analyzed using a mixture theory combined with a least-squares Debye decomposition method. Solutions of Pi and adenine nucleotides showed qualitatively similar dielectric properties described by two Debye components. One component was characterized by a relaxation frequency (fc = 18.8-19.7 GHz) significantly higher than that of bulk water (17 GHz) and the other by a much lower fc (6.4-7.6 GHz), which are referred to here as hyper-mobile water and constrained water, respectively. By contrast, a hydration shell of only the latter type was found for adenosine (fc ~ 6.7 GHz). The present results indicate that phosphoryl groups are mostly responsible for affecting the structure of the water surrounding the adenine nucleotides by forming one constrained water layer and an additional three or four layers of hyper-mobile water.
    Keywords:Dielectric dispersion   Debye relaxation   Adenosine triphosphate   Orthophosphate   Hydration number   Hyper-mobile water
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