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Common interruptions in the repeating tripeptide sequence of non-fibrillar collagens: sequence analysis and structural studies on triple-helix peptide models
Authors:Thiagarajan Geetha  Li Yingjie  Mohs Angela  Strafaci Christopher  Popiel Magdalena  Baum Jean  Brodsky Barbara
Affiliation:1 Department of Biochemistry, University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey - Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, Piscataway, NJ 08854, USA
2 Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, BIOMAPS Institute, Rutgers University, 610 Taylor Road, Piscataway, NJ 08854, USA
Abstract:Interruptions in the repeating (Gly-X1-X2)n amino acid sequence pattern are found in the triple-helix domains of all non-fibrillar collagens, and perturbations to the triple-helix at such sites are likely to play a role in collagen higher-order structure and function. This study defines the sequence features and structural consequences of the most common interruption, where one residue is missing from the tripeptide pattern, Gly-X1-X2-Gly-AA1-Gly-X1-X2, designated G1G interruptions. Residues found within G1G interruptions are predominantly hydrophobic (70%), followed by a significant amount of charged residues (16%), and the Gly-X1-X2 triplets flanking the interruption are atypical. Studies on peptide models indicate the degree of destabilization is much greater when Pro is in the interruption, GP, than when hydrophobic residues (GF, GY) are present, and a rigid Gly-Pro-Hyp tripeptide adjacent to the interruption leads to greater destabilization than a flexible Gly-Ala-Ala sequence. Modeling based on NMR data indicates the Phe residue within a GF interruption is located on the outside of the triple helix. The G1G interruptions resemble a previously studied collagen interruption GPOGAAVMGPO, designated G4G-type, in that both are destabilizing, but allow continuation of rod-like triple helices and maintenance of the single residue stagger throughout the imperfection, with a loss of axial register of the superhelix on both sides. Both kinds of interruptions result in a highly localized perturbation in hydrogen bonding and dihedral angles, but the hydrophobic residue of a G4G interruption packs near the central axis of the superhelix, while the hydrophobic residue of a G1G interruption is located on the triple-helix surface. The different structural consequences of G1G and G4G interruptions in the repeating tripeptide sequence pattern suggest a physical basis for their differential susceptibility to matrix metalloproteinases in type X collagen.
Keywords:Hyp, hydroxyproline (three letter code)   O, hydroxyproline (single letter code)   DSC, differential scanning calorimetry   HSQC, heteronuclear single quantum coherence   NOE, nuclear Overhauser effect   NOESY, NOE spectroscopy
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