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Trafficking of green fluorescent protein tagged-vesicular acetylcholine transporter to varicosities in a cholinergic cell line
Authors:Santos M S  Barbosa J  Veloso G S  Ribeiro F  Kushmerick C  Gomez M V  Ferguson S S  Prado V F  Prado M A
Affiliation:Laboratório de Neurobiologia Molecular, Departamento de Bioquímica-Imunologia, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil.
Abstract:Synaptic vesicle proteins are suggested to travel from the trans-Golgi network to active zones via tubulovesicular organelles, but the participation of different populations of endosomes in trafficking remains a matter of debate. Therefore, we generated a green fluorescent protein (GFP)-tagged version of the vesicular acetylcholine transporter (VAChT) and studied the localization of VAChT in organelles in the cell body and varicosities of living cholinergic cells. GFP-VAChT is distributed to both early and recycling endosomes in the cell body and is also observed to accumulate in endocytic organelles within varicosities of SN56 cells. GFP-VAChT positive organelles in varicosities are localized close to plasma membrane and are labeled with FM4-64 and GFP-Rab5, markers of endocytic vesicles and early endosomes, respectively. A GFP-VAChT mutant lacking a dileucine endocytosis motif (leucine residues 485 and 486 changed to alanine residues) accumulated at the plasma membrane in SN56 cells. This endocytosis-defective GFP-VAChT mutant is localized primarily at the somal plasma membrane and exhibits reduced neuritic targeting. Furthermore, the VAChT mutant did not accumulate in varicosities, as did VAChT. Our data suggest that clathrin-mediated internalization of VAChT to endosomes at the cell body might be involved in proper sorting and trafficking of VAChT to varicosities. We conclude that genesis of competent cholinergic secretory vesicles depends on multiple interactions of VAChT with endocytic proteins.
Keywords:endocytosis    neurotransmitter release    neurotransmitter transporter    protein traffic    synaptic vesicle    vesicular acetylcholine transporter
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