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Physical Mapping of Human 7q and 14q Subtelomeric DNA Sequences in the Great Apes
Authors:Samonte, Rhea V.   Conte, Robert A.   Verma, Ram S.
Affiliation:Division of Genetics, The Long Island College Hospital SUNY Health Science Center Brooklyn, NY 11201
Abstract:Phylogenetic divergence of the members of the Pongidae familyhas been based on genetic evidence. The terminal repeat array(T2AG3) has lately been considered as an additional basis toanalyze genomes of highly related species. The recent isolationof subtelomeric DNA probes specific for human (HSA) chromosomes7q and 14q has prompted us to cross-hybridize them to the chromosomesof the chimpanzee (PTR), gorilla (GGO) and orangutan (PPY) tosearch for its equivalent locations in the great ape species.Both probes hybridized to the equivalent telomeric sites ofthe long (q) arms of all three great ape species. Hybridizationsignals to the 7q subtelomeric DNA sequence probe were observedat the telomeres of HSA 7q, PTR 6q, GGO 6q and PPY 10q, whilehybridization signals to the 14q subtelomeric DNA sequence probewere observed at the telomeres of HSA 14q, PTR 15q, GGO 18qand PPY 15q. No hybridization signals to the chromosome 7-specificalpha satellite DNA probe on the centromeric regions of theape chromosomes were observed. Our observations demonstratesequence homology of the subtelomeric repeat families D7S427and D14S308 in the ape chromosomes. An analogous number of subtelomericrepeat units exists in these chromosomes and has been preservedthrough the course of differentiation of the hominoid species.Our investigation also suggests a difference in the number ofalpha satellite DNA repeat units in the equivalent ape chromosomes,possibly derived from interchromosomal transfers and subsequentamplification of ancestral alpha satellite sequences.
Keywords:chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes)   gorilla (Gorilla gorilla)   orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus)   fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH)
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