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Ectoparasite‐induced increase in Drosophila host metabolic rate
Authors:Taylor Brophy  Lien T. Luong
Abstract:Parasites exert numerous effects upon their hosts, including physiological and metabolic changes that can in turn influence various aspects of host life history. Using flow‐through respirometry, we investigated how infection intensity of an ectoparasitic mite (Macrocheles subbadius) affects the respiratory rate (CO2 production) of its host Drosophila nigrospiracula. Mean fly respiratory rate increased with infection intensity with the strongest effect, a 40% increase relative to uninfected controls, occurring with three mites attached. We also verified the causal relationship between elevated respiration rate and mite attachment by examining changes in host respiration before and after mite exposure. We found that the rate of CO2 production increased by 11% for individual flies following parasite attachment. Fly locomotor activity was not significantly different between infected and uninfected individuals. Metabolic rate of hosts increased as a result of infection in an intensity dependent manner and was not simply due to changes in host activity. These results demonstrate that parasites can have a significant influence on the energy requirements of their host, which may account for the parasite‐mediated loss in host fitness.
Keywords:CO2 production  ectoparasitic mite  energetics  fruit fly  intensity‐dependent  Macrocheles  metabolism  respirometry
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