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Oxidative phosphorylation and the electron transport system of castor bean mitochondria
Affiliation:Department of Biophysics and Biochemistry, Faculty of Science, University of Tokyo Hongo, Tokyo, Japan
Abstract:The difference spectrum (reduced minus oxidized) of castor bean(Ricinus communis L.) mitochondria showed the presence of cytochromeoxidase (cytochromes a+a3), b-type cytochromes and cytochromec. The mitochondria actively oxidized succinate, {alpha}-ketoglutarate,pyruvate and exogenous NADH, and oxidations of these substrateswere stimulated by added ADP, as in mammalian mitochondria.Values for the P/O ratio obtained for succinate, pyruvate and{alpha}-ketoglutarate were the same as those reported for mammalianmitochondria, indicating that theoretical values are 2, 3 and4, respectively. The theoretical P/O ratio for exogenous NADHseemed to be 2. Oxidations of succinate and exogenous NADH instate 3 were almost completely inhibited by 0.3 mM cyanide and10 µM its antimycin A, while those of NAD+-linked substratesin state 3 were not completely suppressed even by excess concentrationsof these inhibitors. There seem to be two types of pathway forelectron transfer in the oxidation of NAD+-linked substratesin castor bean mitochondria, i.e. pathways which are sensitiveand insensitive to these inhibitors. Oxidation of exogenousNADH in state 3 was not inhibited by rotenone. Transitions of redox levels of the respiratory components fromstate 4 to state 3 on addition of ADP and from state 3 to state4 on exhaustion of added ADP were observed with a dual-wavelengthspectrophotometer. Effects of inhibitors on redox levels ofthe respiratory components in state 3 were investigated. Cytochromesof b-type and cytochrome c were fully reduced on addition ofcyanide. Cytochromes of b-type were also fully reduced on additionof antimycin A, but cytochrome oxidase (cytochromes a + a3)and cytochrome c changed to the oxidized forms. The redox levelof the component(s) with an absorption maximum at 465 mµshifted further, but not completely, to the reduced side onaddition of antimycin A. However, this component(s) was oxidizedon addition of cyanide. Cyanide-, or antimycin A-resistant oxidationof NAD+-linked substrates seems to occur via an alternate electrontransfer pathway branching from NAD+-linked flavoprotein(s)in the mitochondria, not via the normal pathway through thecytochromes-cytochrome oxidase system. (Received June 8, 1970; )
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