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Effect of Methanol on the Nucleotide Binding to High-Affinity Sites on Chloroplast Coupling Factor 1
Authors:Hisabori, Toru   Sakurai, Hidehiro
Affiliation:Department of Biology, School of Education, Waseda University Nishiwaseda, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160, Japan
Abstract:The effects of methanol on the nucleotide binding to isolatedchloroplast coupling factor 1 (CF1) were investigated. IsolatedCF1 has four kinds of nucleotide binding sites; a barely dissociableADP-binding site (site A), two slowly exchangeable high-affinitysites with different affinities for ADP (sites B and C) whichare not catalytic sites, and several low-affinity sites (Hisaboriand Sakurai 1984). Methanol at 20% (v/v) slightly acceleratedthe binding of ADP to CF1 but did not influence the number ofbinding sites. Methanol at 10–24% (v/v) affected neitherthe total amounts of bound adenine nucleotides (~2.5 mol/molCF1) nor the incorporation of labeled ADP from the medium (~1.5mol/mol CF1 into the slowly exchangeable sites (sites A, B,C). These results indicate that no appreciable exchange of ADPoccurred at site A at 10–24% (v/v) methanol and excludethe possibility of direct participation of nucleotide bindingat this site in the regulation of ATPase. In 32% methanol, theamount of the labeled ADP bound increased, suggesting some exchangeat site A. Methanol at 20% (v/v) greatly increased the affinitiesof sites B and C for ADP, CDP, GDP, UDP and PPi. Conformational change of CF1 induced by the binding of nucleotidesto site(s) B (and C) increased the resistance of CF1 to inactivationby methanol at high concentrations or by cold treatment. (Received August 16, 1984; Accepted January 23, 1985)
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