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Authors:Dieter Spaar  Theo Wetzel
Institution:1. Berlin;2. Pausa/Vogtland
Abstract:Grant, J. K. (Ed.): Biochemical Society Symposia 23. Methods of separation of subcellular structural components. London, Cambridge University Press, 1963, 157 S., 31 Abb., Leinen, 35 s. Reviewed by H.-W. Wache.

Smith, Audrey U.: Biological effects of freezing and supercooling. London, Edward Arnold (Publishers) Ltd., 1961, 462 S., 157 Abb., Leinen, 55 s. Reviewed by H. Wartenberg.

Loiseleur, J. (Ed.): Techniques de laborafoire. I. Chimie physiquechimie biologique, in 2 Bünden, 3. Aufl., Paris, Masson et Cie Editeurs, 381 Abb., Leinen, 190. Reviewed by F. H. Wolffgang.

Jirgensons, B.: Natural organic macro-molecules. Oxford, London, New York, Paris, Pergamon Press, 404 S., 103 Abb., Kunststoff, 63 s. Reviewed by H. Wolffgang.

Laverack, M. S.: The Physiology of Earthworms. Oxford, Pergamon Press, 1963, 206 S., 58 Abb., Lwd., 45 s. Reviewed by R. Fritzsche.

Thorn, G. D.; Ludwig, R. A.: The dithiocarbamates and related compounds. (Elsevier Monographs-chemistry section.) Amsterdam, London, New York, Elsevier Publishing Company, 1962, 300 S., 6 Abb., Leinen, 20,- Dfl. (22,50 DM). Reviewed by P. Neubert.

Zweig, G. (Ed.): Analytical methods for pesticides, plant gowth regulators, and food additives. Vol. 1: Principles, methods, and general applications. New York and London, Academic Press Inc., 1963, 637 S., 95 Abb., Leinen, 24,- S. Reviewed by E. Heinisch.

Dufay, C: Faune terrestre et d'eau douce des Pyrénées-Orientales. VI. Lépidoptères. I. Macrolépidoptères. Paris, Hermann Verlag, 153 S., brosch., 12 NF. Reviewed by G. Friese.

Dethier, V. G.: The physiology of insect senses. London, Methuen & Co. Ltd., 266 S., 99 Abb., Kunststoff, 42 s. Reviewed by H. J. Müller.

Preston, R. D. (Ed.): Advances in botanical research. Vol. 1. London & New York, Academic Press, 384 S., 119 Abb., Leinen, 70 s. Reviewed by K. Schmelzer.

Horecker, B. L.: Pentose metabolism in bacteria. (CIBA Lectures in microbial biochemistry.) New York, London, John Wiley & Sons, 100 S., 54 Abb., Leinen, 30 s. Reviewed by H. Opel.

Knight, C. A.: Handbuch der Protoplasmaforschung. Bd. IY/2, Wien, Springer-Verlag, 1963, 177 S., 27 Abb., brosch., DM 48,-. Reviewed by H. Wolffgang.

Bailey, J. L.: Techniques in profein chemistry. Amsterdam, London, New York, Elsevier Publishing Company, 1962,310 S., 90 Abb., Leinen, 30,- Dfl. (33,50 DM). Reviewed by H. Hofferek.

Grassé, P.-P. (Ed.): Botanique. Anatomie — Cycles Evolutifs — Systématique. Paris, Masson et Cie Editeurs, 1963, 1039 S., 618 Abb., Leinen, 98 F. Reviewed by K. Schmelzerm.

Schmitt, F. O. (Ed.): Macromolecular specificity and biological memory. Cambridge (Mass.), The M. I. T. Press Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 1962, 119 S., Karton, 23 s. Reviewed by J. Segal.
Keywords:Agistemus exsertus  Phytoseius plumifer  Tetranychus urticae  biology  life table  thermal requirement
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