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The Location of the Transporting System for Inorganic Carbon and the Nature of the Form Translocated in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
Abstract:The permeability of the plasmalemma of Chlamydomonas reinhardtiicells was increased by treatment with poly-L-lysine or dimethylsulphoxideas indicated by 3-phosphoglyceric acid dependent O2 evolution.These treatments decreased the ability of the cells to accumulateinorganic carbon internally and hence their photosynthetic affinityfor inorganic carbon in the medium. With saturating light andinorganic carbon, the photosynthetic rate was less affectedby the poly-L-lysine and dimethylsulphoxide treatments. Thusthe poly-L-lysine and dimethylsulphoxide did not alter the activityof the chloroplasts but rather made the intracellular inorganiccarbon pool more freely exchangeable with the medium. It isconcluded that the transporting system for inorganic carbonis located at the plasmalemma. Treatment with Diamox, an inhibitor of carbonic anhydrase, didnot affect photosynthetic rate and accumulation of inorganiccarbon when CO2 was supplied but strongly inhibited both parameterswhen HCO–3 was supplied. In a mutant of Chlamydomonasreinhardtii lacking a cell wall, carbonic anhydrase leaks tothe medium and uptake of inorganic carbon is much faster whenCO2 is supplied than when HCO–3 is supplied. These resultssuggest that CO2 rather than HCO–3 is the inorganic carbonspecies that is actively translocated across the plasmalemma. Key words: Chlamydomonas, Inorganic carbon uptake
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