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Predictability and possible mechanisms of plankton response to reduction of planktivorous fish
Authors:Lyche  Anne  Faafeng  Bjørn A.  Brabrand   Åge
Affiliation:(1) University of Oslo, Division of Limnology, P.O. Box 1027, Blindern, 0315 Oslo 3, Norway;(2) Norwegian Institute for Water Research, P.O. Box 69, Korsvoll, 0808 Oslo 8, Norway;(3) Zoological Museum, Sarsgt. 1, 0562 Oslo 5, Norway

The predictability of plankton response to reductions of planktivorous fish was investigated by comparing the plankton community in three biomanipulated lakes and ten unmanipulated lakes differing in intensity of fish predation. Data collected on total phosphorus, phytoplankton and zooplankton biomass and share of cyanobacteria and large grazers, as well as specific growth rate of phytoplankton, were further used to test some of the proposed underlying response-mechanisms. In the biomanipulated lakes the algal biomass and share of cyanobacteria decreased, specific growth rate of phytoplankton increased, and zooplankton biomass and share of large grazers increased or remained unchanged. This pattern was largely reflected in the differences in food-chain structure between the unmanipulated lakes with highversus those with low fish predation. The qualitative response to planktivorous fish reduction thus seems largely predictable. The biomanipulated lakes differed, however, in magnitude of response: the smallest hypertrophic, rotenone-treated lake (Helgetjern) showed the most dramatic response, whereas the large, deep mesotrophic lake (Gjersjøen), which was stocked with piscivorous fish, showed more moderate response, probably approaching a new steady state. These differences in response magnitude may be related to different perturbation intensity (rotenone-treatmentversus stocking with piscivores), food-chain complexity and trophic state. Both decreased phosphorus concentration and increased zooplankton grazing are probably important mechanisms underlying plankton response to biomanipulation in many lakes. The results provide tentative support to the hypothesis that under conditions of phosphorus limitation, increased zooplankton grazing can decrease algal biomassvia two separate mechanisms: reduction of the phosphorus pool in the phytoplankton, and reduction of the internal C:P-ratio in the phytoplankton cells.

Keywords:phytoplankton  zooplankton  grazing  fish predation  trophic state  cyanobacteria
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