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Vegetative incompatibility in the ash dieback pathogen Hymenoscyphus pseudoalbidus and its ecological implications
Authors:Clive Brasier  Joan Webber
Affiliation:Forest Research, Alice Holt Lodge, Farnham, Surrey GU10 4LH, UK
Abstract:Pairings were carried out between isolates of the ash dieback pathogen Hymenoscyphus pseudoalbidus (Chalara fraxinea) to determine whether vegetative incompatibility (mycelial self–nonself recognition) reactions could be discriminated. On malt agar (MA) and ash sapwood agar (ASA) distinct compatible and incompatible reactions were observed. Compatible (C- or c-) reactions were characterised by full or partial colony intermingling along the junction line. Incompatible (G- or g-) reactions were characterised by a gap ca. 1–3 mm wide along the junction line. On MA a distinct narrow brown line or L-reaction was observed with some gap reactions, often comprising reticulate mycelium and conidia-producing phialides. When eleven isolates from a dieback site at Lower Wood, Norfolk were paired on ASA 53 of 54 reactions between different isolates gave incompatible reactions. A similar result was obtained with smaller samples from two further sites in Norfolk and Kent. This indicates that for local populations in the UK most genetic individuals of H. pseudoalbidus are likely to be vegetatively incompatible. The implications for the ecology and genetics of H. pseudoalbidus are discussed.
Keywords:Antagonism  Competition  Heterokaryon compatibility  Invasive  Mycelial compatibility  Natural populations  Outcrossing  Territorial behaviour
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