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Xeromorphic features of three stem assimilants in relation to their ecology
Authors:O. B. LYSHEDE
Affiliation:Department of Plant Physiology and Anatomy, Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Thorvaldsensvej 40, DK-1871, Copenhagen V, Denmark
Abstract:The anatomy of the assimilating stems of three brooms (Fabaceae) all show distinct xeromorphic features in their tissues, but these are developed to different degrees. The epidermis consists of very thick, cutinized outer walls, deeply sunken stomata, and a dense layer of trichomes, at least in younger steins. In older sterns some of the stomata are blocked by cell-plugs. The chlorenchyma is multilayered. The main supporting tissue consists of peripheral gelatinous fibre strands. It is argued that these may function in water storage. Parenchymatous water storage cells are present in the pith of two species. The structure and function of the xeromorphic features are discussed in relation to the ecology of the plants.
Keywords:Fabaceae    Spartocytisus    Spartocytisus    Genista    stomata    stomata] plugs    trichomes    gelatinous fibres    microchannels    ectodesmata
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