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Induction of CAM in Mesembryanthemum crystallinum Abolishes the Stomatal Response to Blue Light and Light-Dependent Zeaxanthin Formation in Guard Cell Chloroplasts
Authors:Tallman, Gary   Zhu, Jianxin   Mawson, Bruce T.   Amodeo, Gabriella   Nouhi, Zepedeh   Levy, Kathleen   Zeiger, Eduardo
Affiliation:1 Natural Science Division, Pepperdine University Malibu, CA 90263-4392 U.S.A.
2 Laboratory of Molecular Medicine and Structural Biology, University of California Los Angeles, CA 90095-1786 U.S.A.
Abstract:Facultative CAM plants such as Mesembryanthemum crystallinum(ice plant) possess C3 metabolism when unstressed but developCAM under water or salt stress. When ice plants shift from C3metabolism to CAM, their stomata remain closed during the dayand open at night. Recent studies have shown that the stomatalresponse of ice plants in the C3 mode depends solely on theguard cell response to blue light. Recent evidence for a possiblerole of the xanthophyll, zeaxanthin in blue light photoreceptionof guard cells led to the question of whether changes in theregulation of the xanthophyll cycle in guard cells parallelthe shift from diurnal to nocturnal stomatal opening associatedwith CAM induction. In the present study, light-dependent stomatalopening and the operation of the xanthophyll cycle were characterizedin guard cells isolated from ice plants shifting from C3 metabolismto CAM. Stomata in epidermis detached from leaves with C3 metabolismopened in response to white light and blue light, but they didnot open in response to red light. Guard cells from these leavesshowed light-dependent conversion of violaxan-thin to zeaxanthin.Induction of CAM by NaCI abolished both white light- and bluelight-stimulated stomatal opening and light-dependent zeaxanthinformation. When guard cells isolated from leaves with CAM weretreated with 100 mM ascorbate, pH 5.0 for 1 h in darkness, guardcell zeaxanthin content increased at rates equal to or higherthan those stimulated by light in guard cells from leaves inthe C3 mode. The ascorbate effect indicates that chloroplastsin guard cells from leaves with CAM retain their competenceto operate the xanthophyll cycle, but that zeaxanthin formationdoes not take place in the light. The data suggest that inhibitionof light-dependent zeaxanthin formation in guard cells mightbe one of the regulatory steps mediating the shift from diurnalto nocturnal stomatal opening typical of plants with CAM. (Received July 5, 1996; Accepted December 12, 1996)
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