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In Situ Localization of Parental Genomes in a Wide Hybrid
Affiliation:Cambridge Laboratory, Institute of Plant Science Research Trumpington, Cambridge CB2 2JB, UK
"{dagger}"Jodrell Laboratory, Royal Botanic Gardens Kew, Richmond, Surrey, TW9 3DS, U.K.
Abstract:In situ hybridization enabled DNA originating from the two parentalgenomes to be distinguished in plant hybrids. A probe of biotinylatedtotal genomic DNA from Secale africanum labelled the chromosomesof S. africanum origin but not those from Hordeum chilense inroot-tip chromosome spreads of the sexual hybrid between thetwo species. Hybridization of total genomic DNA from S. africanumto DNA on filters (dot blots) confirmed the distinction betweenDNA from Hordeum and Secale. The total genomic probe hybridizedto the whole length of the chromosomes from S. africanum remarkablyuniformly, labelling both euchromatin and heterochromatin, exceptat the centromeric region. The probe binding was visualizedas a yellow colour by the fluorescein-coupled detection systemwhich contrasted with the red fluorescing counterstain of theunlabelled chromatin. The chromosomes originating from bothparents could be seen and distinguished as red and yellow fluorescenceat all stages of the cell cycle. At interphase and prophase,the chromatin originating from the two parental genomes didnot mix. Chromosomes or groups of chromosomes occupied distinctdomains and also tended to be arranged in a Rabl configurationwith the centromeres clustered at one end of the nucleus. Wepropose calling the technique using total genomic DNA as a probe‘genomic in situ hybridization.’ Hordeum chilense, Secale africanum, hybrids, genomic in situ hybridization, DNA, repetitive sequences, chromosomes, chromosome disposition, nuclear order
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