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Effect of increased blood glucose availability on glucose kinetics during exercise
Authors:Howlett, Kirsten   Angus, Damien   Proietto, Joseph   Hargreaves, Mark
Abstract:This studyexamined the effect of increased blood glucose availability on glucosekinetics during exercise. Five trained men cycled for 40 min at 77 ± 1% peak oxygen uptake on two occasions. During the second trial(Glu), glucose was infused at a rate equal to the average hepaticglucose production (HGP) measured during exercise in the control trial(Con). Glucose kinetics were measured by a primed continuous infusionofD-[3-3H]glucose.Plasma glucose increased during exercise in both trials and wassignificantly higher in Glu. HGP was similar at rest (Con, 11.4 ± 1.2; Glu, 10.6 ± 0.6µmol · kg-1 · min-1).After 40 min of exercise, HGP reached a peak of 40.2 ± 5.5 µmol · kg-1 · min-1in Con; however, in Glu, there was complete inhibition of the increasein HGP during exercise that never rose above the preexercise level. Therate of glucose disappearance was greater(P < 0.05) during the last 15 min ofexercise in Glu. These results indicate that an increase in glucoseavailability inhibits the rise in HGP during exercise, suggesting thatmetabolic feedback signals can override feed-forward activation of HGPduring strenuous exercise.

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