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引用本文:周立志,马勇. 中国西部干旱地区啮齿动物多样性分布格局[J]. 生物多样性, 2002, 10(1): T001-T003
作者姓名:周立志  马勇
作者单位:1. 中国科学院动物研究所,北京,100080;安徽大学生命科学学院,合肥,230039;淮北煤炭师范学院生物系,安徽淮北,235000
2. 中国科学院动物研究所,北京,100080
基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目 (项目号 39970 114,396 70 12 3)
摘    要:在系统整理我国西部干旱地区啮齿动物的分布资料,获得物种分布范围的基础上,应用GIS软件,基于等面积栅格系统,研究啮齿动物的等级多样性,探讨啮齿动物物种的区域分化特征。结果表明,祁连山地和北塔山、伊犁天山、阿拉套山和阿尔泰山地,以及贺兰山地等处的啮齿动物的属数最高;塔里木盆地中心和藏北高原的属数最低。阿尔泰山南麓、伊犁天山和东祁连山地的啮齿动物科数最多;塔里木盆地中心和藏北高原的科数较少。在青藏高原的周边,寒漠与温性荒漠、荒漠与山地、高原与盆地、荒漠与草原、山地与草原等景观的交界处,多样性指数较高。蒙新荒漠区的啮齿动物的属科数比相对较高,青藏高原的属科数比值较低,但青藏高原的种属数比值相对较高,而且GF指数亦较高。

关 键 词:啮齿动物  生物多样性  分布格局  GIS  中国西部干旱地区

Distribution patterns of rodent diversity in arid regions of West China
Abstract:The arid regions of China include Mongolian-Xinjiang warm-temperate arid region and Qinghai-Xizang frigid arid region, located in western China, host 120 species of small mammals including Largomorpha and Rodentia. We collected all of the available distributional data for these species in these regions. Based on GIS models of species range which were predicted by a wildlife-habitat model, we researched the distribution patterns of rodent diversity there. A total of 766 equal-area quadrangle grids that each had an area of 6,470 square kilometers were used as geographic units to collect distributional data of the species, supported by MapInfo Professional Version 4.0. Based on these grid data we obtained the number of genera and families, and calculated the small mammal species diversity of genera and families by Shannon-Winner index and G-F index. In order to explain the species differentiation tendency of small mammals, we introduced number ratios of species to genera and of genera to families as differentiation indices. The results indicate that more genera occurred in mountains around the Junggar Basin, Qilian Mountains, Helan Mountains and the west slopes of Da Hinggan Mountains, where species richness was higher, as might be explained by an edge effect. In contrast, richness was least on the Ordos Plateau and Zhangbei Plateau. There were more families on the south slopes of the Altay Mountains, Tianshan Mountains of Ili and East Qilian Mountains, but fewer on the Ordos Plateau and Zhangbei Plateau. High species diversity often occurred in ecotones such as those among or between frigid desert and warm-temperate desert, desert and mountains, plateaus and basins, desert and steppes, and mountains and steppes. In the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau, number ratios of genera to families were much lower than in the Mongolian-Xinjiang region. In contrast,, there were higher ratios of species to genera in the former region. The G-F index was higher in Qinghai-Xizang Plateau, where a great species differentiation was implied. Since small mammals can be used as indicators of biodiversity, the distributional patterns of their species diversity could be helpful for assessment of biodiversity in arid regions of West China.
Keywords:Largomorpha and Rodentia   biodiversity   distribution patterns   GIS   arid regions of West China
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