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Differences between Acer saccharum Leaves from Open and Wind-Protected Sites
Authors:NIKLAS   KARL J.
Affiliation:Section of Plant Biology, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 14853, U.S.A.
Abstract:Size-correlated variations of sugar maple (Acer saccharum L.)leaf anatomy and mechanical properties were determined for twosaplings (from open and wind protected sites) to examine theeffects of chronic wind-induced mechanical disturbance on leafsize, rigidity and flexibility. Based on a total sample of 78leaves, comparisons indicated that the mean size of the opensite leaves (n =37) was smaller in every measured respect comparedwith that of the closed site leaves (n =41). Open site leaveshad, on average, smaller lamina surface area, shorter and narrowerpetioles with a smaller volume fraction of lignified tissuesthan those from the closed site. Biomechanical comparisons alsoindicated that the petioles of open site leaves were significantlyless rigid and more flexible than the petioles of closed siteleaves. Despite differences in mean leaf size and petiolar rigidityand flexibility, allometric comparisons indicated the size-dependentvariations in leaf properties were continuous across the twosites. Also, the allocation of leaf biomass with respect tostem biomass along the lengths of the two saplings was statisticallyidentical and indistinguishable from an isometric relationship.However, the smaller diametered branches of the open site saplingbore smaller and fewer leaves with less stiff and rigid petiolesthan those of the closed site sapling. The differences betweenopen and closed site leaves are interpreted to be functionallyadaptive and to indicate that chronic mechanical disturbanceof developingAcer saccharum leaves prefigures mature leaf sizeand petiole properties that have the capacity to reduce winddrag. Results from petioles are contrasted with those of mechanicallydisturbed stems. Leaves; Acer saccharum ; biomechanics; wind-drag; allometry
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