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Peptide-level Robust Ridge Regression Improves Estimation,Sensitivity, and Specificity in Data-dependent Quantitative Label-free Shotgun Proteomics
Authors:Ludger J. E. Goeminne  Kris Gevaert  Lieven Clement
Affiliation:3. Department of Applied Mathematics, Computer Science and Statistics, Ghent University, Belgium;;4. VIB Medical Biotechnology Center, Ghent University, Belgium;;5. Department of Biochemistry, Ghent University, Belgium
Abstract:Peptide intensities from mass spectra are increasingly used for relative quantitation of proteins in complex samples. However, numerous issues inherent to the mass spectrometry workflow turn quantitative proteomic data analysis into a crucial challenge. We and others have shown that modeling at the peptide level outperforms classical summarization-based approaches, which typically also discard a lot of proteins at the data preprocessing step. Peptide-based linear regression models, however, still suffer from unbalanced datasets due to missing peptide intensities, outlying peptide intensities and overfitting. Here, we further improve upon peptide-based models by three modular extensions: ridge regression, improved variance estimation by borrowing information across proteins with empirical Bayes and M-estimation with Huber weights. We illustrate our method on the CPTAC spike-in study and on a study comparing wild-type and ArgP knock-out Francisella tularensis proteomes. We show that the fold change estimates of our robust approach are more precise and more accurate than those from state-of-the-art summarization-based methods and peptide-based regression models, which leads to an improved sensitivity and specificity. We also demonstrate that ionization competition effects come already into play at very low spike-in concentrations and confirm that analyses with peptide-based regression methods on peptide intensity values aggregated by charge state and modification status (e.g. MaxQuant''s peptides.txt file) are slightly superior to analyses on raw peptide intensity values (e.g. MaxQuant''s evidence.txt file).High-throughput LC-MS-based proteomic workflows are widely used to quantify differential protein abundance between samples. Relative protein quantification can be achieved by stable isotope labeling workflows such as metabolic (1, 2) and postmetabolic labeling (36). These types of experiments generally avoid run-to-run differences in the measured peptide (and thus protein) content by pooling and analyzing differentially labeled samples in a single run. Label-free quantitative (LFQ)1 workflows become increasingly popular as the often expensive and time-consuming labeling protocols are omitted. Moreover, LFQ proteomics allows for more flexibility in comparing samples and tends to cover a larger area of the proteome at a higher dynamic range (7, 8). Nevertheless, the nature of the LFQ protocol makes shotgun proteomic data analysis a challenging task. Missing values are omnipresent in proteomic data generated by data-dependent acquisition workflows, for instance because of low-abundant peptides that are not always fragmented in complex peptide mixtures and a limited number of modifications and mutations that can be accounted for in the feature search. Moreover, the overall abundance of a peptide is determined by the surroundings of its corresponding cleavage sites as these influence protease cleavage efficiency (9). Similarly, some peptides are more easily ionized than others (10). These issues not only lead to missing peptides, but also increase variability in individual peptide intensities. The discrete nature of MS1 sampling following continuous elution of peptides from the LC column leads to increased variability in peptide quantifications. Finally, competition for ionization and co-elution of other peptides with similar m/z values may cause biased quantifications (11). However, note that in this respect, using data-independent acquisition (DIA), all peptide ions (or all peptide ions within a certain m/z range, depending on the method used) are fragmented simultaneously, resulting in multiplexed MS/MS spectra (12, 13). Hence, issues of missing fragment spectra are less a problem with DIA, however, some of its challenges lie in deconvoluting MS/MS spectra and mapping their features to their corresponding peptides (14).Standard data analysis pipelines for DDA-LFQ proteomics can be divided into two groups: spectral counting techniques, which are based on counting the number of peptide features as a proxy for protein abundance (15), and intensity-based methods that quantify peptide features by measuring their corresponding spectral intensities or areas under the peaks in either MS or MS/MS spectra. Spectral counting is intuitive and easy to perform, but, the determination of differences in peptide and thus protein levels is not as precise as intensity-based methods, especially when analyzing rather small differences (16). More fundamentally, spectral counting ignores a large part of the information that is available in high-precision mass spectra. Further, dynamic exclusion during LC-MS/MS analysis, meant to increase the overall number of peptides that are analyzed, can worsen the linear dynamic range of these methods (17). Also, any changes in the MS/MS sampling conditions will prevent comparisons between runs. Intensity-based methods are more sensitive than spectral counting (18). Among intensity-based methods, quantification on the MS-level is somewhat more accurate than summarizing the MS/MS-level feature intensities (19). Therefore, we further focus on improving data analysis methods for MS-level quantification.Typical intensity-based workflows summarize peptide intensities to protein intensities before assessing differences in protein abundances (20). Peptide-based linear regression models estimate protein fold changes directly from peptide intensities and outperform summarization-based methods by reducing bias and generating more correct precision estimates (21, 22). However, peptide-based linear regression models suffer from overfitting due to extreme observations and the unbalanced nature of proteomics data; i.e. different peptides and a different number of peptides are typically identified in each sample. We illustrate this using the CPTAC spike-in data set where 48 human UPS1 proteins were spiked at five different concentrations in a 60 ng protein/μl yeast lysate. Thus, when comparing different spike-in concentrations, only the human proteins should be flagged as differentially abundant (DA), whereas the yeast proteins should not be flagged as DA (null proteins). Fig. 1 illustrates the structure of missing data in label-free shotgun proteomics experiments using a representative DA UPS1 protein from the CPTAC spike-in study: missing peptides in the lowest spike-in condition tend to have rather low log2 intensity values in higher spike-in conditions compared to peptides that were not missing in both conditions, which supports the fact that the missing value problem in label-free shotgun proteomic data is largely intensity-dependent (23).Open in a separate windowFig. 1.Missing peptides are often low abundant. The boxplots show the log2 intensity distributions for each of the 33 identified peptides corresponding to the human UPS1 protein cytoplasmic Histidyl-tRNA synthetase (P12081) from the CPTAC dataset in conditions 6A (spike-in concentration 0.25 fmol UPS1 protein/μl) and 6B (spike-in concentration 0.74 fmol UPS1 protein/μl). Vertical dotted lines indicate peptides present in both conditions. Note, that most peptides that were not detected in condition 6A exhibit low log2 intensity values in condition 6B (colored in red).Fig. 2 shows the quantile normalized log2 intensity values for the peptides corresponding to the yeast null protein CG121 together with average log2 intensity estimates for each condition based on protein-level MaxLFQ intensities, as well as estimates derived from a peptide-based linear model. Here, three important remarks can be made:
  • (1) CG121 is a yeast background protein, for which the true concentration is thus equal in all conditions, which appears to be monitored as such by MaxLFQ, except in conditions 6B and 6E (for the latter, no estimate is available). The LM estimate, however, is more reliable but seems to suffer from overfitting.
  • (2) A lot of shotgun proteomic datasets are very sparse, causing a large sample-to-sample variability. Constructing a linear model based on a limited number of observations will thus lead to unstable variance estimates. Intuitively, a small sample drawn from a given population might “accidentally” show a very small variance while another small sample from the same population might display a very large variance just by random chance. This effect is clear from the sizes of the boxes. The interquartile range is twice as large in condition 6E compared to condition 6C. This issue leads to false positives since some proteins with very few observations are flagged as DA with very high statistical evidence solely due to their low observed variance (24).
  • (3) Two observed features at log2 intensities 14.0 and 14.3 in condition 6B have a strong influence on the parameter estimate for this condition. Without these extreme observations, the 6B estimate lies closer to the estimates in the other conditions. As missingness is strongly intensity-dependent, these low intensity values could easily become missing values in subsequent experiments. More generally, a strong influence of only one or two peptides on the average protein level intensity estimate for a condition is an unfavorable property.
Open in a separate windowFig. 2.Effect of outliers, variability, and sparsity of peptide intensities on abundance estimations. The figure shows log2 transformed quantile normalized peptide intensities for the yeast null protein CG121 from the CPTAC data set for spike-in conditions 6A, 6B, 6C, 6D, and 6E. Each color denotes a different condition. Connected crosses: average protein log2 intensity estimates for each condition are provided for a traditional protein level workflow where the mean of the protein-level MaxLFQ values was calculated (MaxLFQ, blue), the estimates of the peptide-based regression model fitted with ordinary least squares (LM, black) and the estimates of the peptide based ordinary least squares fit after omitting the two lowest observations in condition 6B (LM-extremes, orange). In condition 6E there were not enough data points to provide a MaxLFQ protein-level estimate. Boxes denote the interquartile range (IQR) of the log2 transformed quantile normalized peptide intensities in each condition with the median indicated as a thick horizontal line inside each box. Whiskers extend to the most extreme data point that lies no more than 1.5 times the IQR from the box. Points lying beyond the whiskers are generally considered as outliers. Note, that the presence of two low-intensity peptide observations in concentration 6B has a strong effect on the estimates for both MaxLFQ and LM.These issues illustrate that state-of-the-art analysis methods experience difficulties in coping with peptide imbalances that are inherent to DDA LFQ proteomics data. We here propose three modular improvements to deal with the problems of overfitting, sample-to-sample variability and outliers:
  • (1) Ridge regression, which penalizes the size of the model parameters. Shrinkage estimators can strongly improve reproducibility and overall performance as they have a lower overall mean squared error compared to ordinary least squares estimators (2527).
  • (2) Empirical Bayes variance estimation, which shrinks the individual protein variances toward a common prior variance, hence stabilizing the variance estimation.
  • (3) M-estimation with Huber weights, which will make the estimators more robust toward outliers (28).
We illustrate our method on the CPTAC Study 6 spike-in data and a published ArgP knock-out Francisella tularensis proteomics experiment and show that our method provides more stable log2 FC estimates and a better DA ranking than competing methods.
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