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Extracellular localization of proteasomes in human sperm
Authors:Morales Patricio  Pizarro Eduardo  Kong Milene  Jara Marcos
Affiliation:Department of Biomedicine, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Antofagasta, Antofagasta, Chile. pmorales@uantof.cl
Abstract:The proteasome, a multienzymatic protease complex is present in human sperm. Here we present evidence indicating that the proteasome has an extracellular localization, on the plasma membrane of the sperm head. Motile sperm (>90%) in PBS were incubated with the proteasome inhibitors clasto-lactacystin beta-lactone or epoxomicin. Then, the substrate Suc-Leu-Leu-Val-Tyr-AMC (SLLVY-AMC) was added and the enzyme activity evaluated in a spectrofluorometer. Other aliquots were resuspended in Tyrode's medium and incubated at different concentrations for various times with or without inhibitors in the presence of 0.4% azocasein. Hydrolysis of azocasein was evaluated at 440 nm. In addition, sperm membrane proteins were obtained incubating the sperm with Triton X-114 or with 0.5 M KCl plus Triton X-100 and removing insoluble material by centrifugation at 5,000g for 40 min. Proteasomal activity was evaluated with SLLVY-AMC and its presence corroborated by Western blotting. Formaldehyde fixed, unpermeabilized sperm were incubated with anti-proteasome monoclonal antibodies and evaluated using indirect immunofluorescence. The effect of proteasome inhibitors upon the progesterone-induced acrosome reaction was also evaluated. Results indicated that (a) whole, intact sperm were able to hydrolyze the proteasome substrates SLLVY-AMC and azocasein; this activity was inhibited by proteasome inhibitors; (b) proteasomal activity was detected in soluble sperm membrane protein preparations and Western blotting revealed the presence of the proteasome in these fractions; (c) indirect immunofluorescence revealed staining of the head region, particularly of the post acrosomal region; and (d) the proteasome plays an important role during the acrosome reaction.
Keywords:proteasome  proteases  acrosome reaction  fertilization  spermatozoa
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