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Vasopressin and oxytocin release evoked by NaCl loads are selectively blunted by area postrema lesions
Authors:Huang W  Sved A F  Stricker E M
Affiliation:Department of Neuroscience, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15260, USA.
Abstract:The present study investigated the effect of area postrema lesions (APX) on stimulated neurohypophysial secretion of vasopressin (VP) and oxytocin (OT) in conscious rats. Blunted increases in plasma levels of both pituitary hormones were observed when rats with APX were infused intravenously with 1 M NaCl solution (2 ml/h for 6 h). In contrast, plasma VP and OT increased normally in rats with APX when equivalent increases in plasma osmolality (but not plasma Na(+)) resulted from intravenous infusion of an equiosmotic solution of 1 M mannitol and 0.5 M NaCl. Furthermore, APX did not affect increases in plasma VP and OT stimulated by plasma volume deficits, nor did APX disrupt OT secretion stimulated by intravenous injection of cholecystokinin. These findings suggest that the area postrema plays an important role in mediating secretion of VP and OT in response to an NaCl load, but not in response to an equiosmotic load that does not cause substantial hypernatremia, and not in response to other stimuli of neurohypophysial hormone secretion. Together with previous reports, these results suggest that APX impairs Na(+) regulation in rats.
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