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Speicherung und mobilisierung von Kohlenhydraten und Lipiden in der Blattwespe Gilpinia hercyniae
Authors:Reinhard Schopf
Affiliation:(1) Institut für Forstzoologie der Universität Göttingen, Büsgenweg 3, 3400 Göttingen, B. R. Deutschland
Abstract:Von Larven (drei Populationen, L3, L4-, L4, L5- und alte L5-Larven), adulten Weibchen vor (Iv) und nach (In) Eiablage, Kokons (K) und Exuvien (E) wurden die Konzentrationen von löslichen Kohlenhydraten, Alanin, Prolin, Glykogen und Lipiden sowie die Frisch- und Trockengewichte bestimmt. Aus den Ergebnissen werden Rückschlüsse auf den Energiestoffwechsel der Entwicklungsstadien Embryo, Larve und Imago gezogen.
Summary The concentrations of soluble carbohydrates (Fig. 2), alanine and proline (Fig. 3), glycogen and lipids (Fig. 4) and the weights (Fig. 1, Tab. I) of larvae (three populations, L3, L4-, L4, L5- and old L5-instar larvae), adult females before (Iv) and after (In) oviposition, cocoons (K) and exuviae (E) (Tab. II) were determined. Embryonic, larval and adult stages of development have characteristic types of energy metabolism. The lipid catabolism of the embryonic stage is substituted during larval development by anabolic pathways based on resorbed sugars absorbed from spruce needles. During the first larval stages these soluble carbohydrates are directed to a glycogen pool in relatively large amounts. This pool is only slightly enlarged whereas lipids are synthesized in relatively large amounts between the 14th and 28th day after oviposition. Metamophosis is correlated with a decrease of glycogen. Lipids are used as an energy source by imagines and in eggs. ldquoEnergyrdquo is distributed in the body by movement of trehalose in the larval stage and by a proline-alanine-shuttle in the adult stage.
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