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Sexual ornamentation and immunocompetence in the barn swallow
Authors:Saino, Nicola   Moller, Anders Pape
Affiliation:aDipartimento di Biologia, Sezione di Zoologia, Science Naturali, Università di Milano, Via Celoria 26 I-20133 Milano, Italy bDepartment of Population Biology, Copenhagen University, Universitetsparken 15 DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø, Denmark
Abstract:The handicap hypothesis of honest signaling suggests that secondarysexual characters reliably reflect phenotypic or genotypic qualityof signalers. This hypothesis is based on the assumptions thatsignals are costly to produce and/or maintain and the cost ofa given level of signaling is higher for low quality than forhigh quality signalers. We tested these assumptions in a fieldexperiment in which the size of a secondary sexual character[tail length in male barn swallows (Hirundo rustica)] was experimentallymanipulated. Males were randomly assigned to tail elongation,tail shortening, or two control treatments (tail manipulation,or just capture, ringing, and handling). Male barn swallowswere challenged with an injection of sheep red blood cells,and blood was sampled on the day of first capture and after3 to 4 weeks for determination of concentrations of gamma-globulins.Tail-elongated males did not increase levels of gamma-globulinswhile males of the other three groups demonstrated increases.Analyses of variation in gamma-globulins within treatment groupsrevealed a positive correlation between gamma-globulins andoriginal tail length among males with elongated tails. Theseresults suggest that tail length imposes an immu-nocompetencecost on males, and that males with naturally long tails aredifferentially better able to cope with this cost.
Keywords:barn swallow, gamma-globulins, Hirundo rustica, immunocompetence, sexual selection, tail ornament, [Behav Ecol 7: 227–  232 (1996)].
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